We are in Nepal

Executive member of Floriculture Association of Nepal Mr. Rajesh Bhakta Shrestha is visiting Our stall at Intl. Flora Expo 2014 (Kathmundu , Nepal)

Agricultural Minister of the Govt. of Nepal & President of Floriculture Association of Nepal are visiting Our stall at Intl. Flora Expo 2014 (Kathmundu , Nepal)

We are presenting a paper of Floriculture Business of Bangladesh – Prospect & Challenges on a intl. workshop in Nepal

President of Floriculture Association of Nepal Mr. Lokonath Gaire is handing over a Crest to us as a special guest of intl. Workshop on Floricultural business in Nepal – Prospect & Challenges
We are in Malayasia
We are in Thailand
We are in India
Our Buyer from Nepal – visiting our Nursery in Bangladesh
American horticultural consultant Prof. Malcolm M. Maner PhD. visiting our nursery
We are with American horticultural consultant Prof. John Griffis PhD.
I am with horticultural consultants visiting National Monument
We are inspecting plants to be exported
We are at the ITC Workshop
We are at MASAS FOUNDATION seminar
Our Landscaping work at The Westin, Dhaka
Our landscaping work at South Breeze Housing Ltd.